This guide will demonstrates how to create your own small local web server with php support via compiling both of them.
I'm using ubuntu 16.04 for this, But any version should do it.
1- Compile nginx from source
2- Compile php from source
3- Edit nginx config
4- Start the server
- Prepare the working directory:
Simply create a new working directory and cd into it
And create a nginx prefix directory (mkdir anything) And a php prefix directory (mkdir anythingphp)
Cd into sbin folder inside nginx prefix folder and Run:
And then Open A new terminal then cd into the bin folder inside php prefix folder.
Then run php via:
I'm using ubuntu 16.04 for this, But any version should do it.
1- Compile nginx from source
2- Compile php from source
3- Edit nginx config
4- Start the server
- Prepare the working directory:
Simply create a new working directory and cd into it
And create a nginx prefix directory (mkdir anything) And a php prefix directory (mkdir anythingphp)
Compile nginx from source
I'll compile nginx from source.
Firstly: download nginx source from nginx website.
Note that you need to download the one without windows name in it.
extract that gzip into the working directory.
I prefer to compile that into a custom prefix but it's fine if you dont.
Compile nginx via:
Firstly: download nginx source from nginx website.
Note that you need to download the one without windows name in it.
extract that gzip into the working directory.
I prefer to compile that into a custom prefix but it's fine if you dont.
Compile nginx via:
./configure --prefix=/hereisyourprefix
make install
Change /hereisyourprefix to your nginx prefix
make install
Compile php from source
Download php from:
Extract that into the working directory and cd into it.
Compile php via:
Compile php via:
./configure --prefix=/hereisyourprefix
make install
Change /hereisyourprefix to your php prefixmake
make install
Edit nginx config
Open [prefix]/conf/nginx.conf using your favorite text editor and:
location ~ \.php$ {
root html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
Afterroot html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;
And change the other parameters if neededlocation = /50x.html {
root html;
Start the server
Cd into sbin folder inside nginx prefix folder and Run:
./nginx -p nginxprefixdir
Change nginxprefixdir into your nginx prefix folder.And then Open A new terminal then cd into the bin folder inside php prefix folder.
Then run php via:
./php-cgi -b